Honestly, I wasn’t 100% sure if people would take the time to prepare kindness gifts and find creative ways to distribute them during cold and flu season. But, we gave it a try. Weeks later, it is heart-warming and fun to see all the #kindness happening!
Preparing for Kindness
Spin Kindness partnered with Boogie Wipes to send samples and Spin Kindness cards to over 100 product ambassadors. In addition, we sent 20 Kindness Kits to bloggers and brand enthusiasts who signed up to do a kindness project and share about it. Within a couple of days, we started to see the kindness in action as our “Kindness Agents” started sharing what they were up to. Below is just some of the great work they have been doing!
Making Kindness Gifts
Lots of great pictures started popping up right after the kits arrived — pictures of all kinds of kindness gifts from nicely wrapped samples to special gifts for people in need. Most of the Boogie Wipes Ambassadors are moms, so they involved kids in making the gifts and knew exactly where they would share them with other moms. Participating in the entire process, from planning to giving, kids learn valuable lessons about what kindness means. Kathryn of Cummins Life involved her two daughters in creating the gifts and distributing them. Lesly of Shopping with Les added crayons to her gifts. Tara made a special gift for a new dad.
There were gifts prepared for moms who may have forgotten a supply while out and about – like diapers and wipes or little first aid kits. And, there were special packages made for moms going through tough times like these beautiful ones make for cancer patients.
Creative Kindness!
Some Kindness was for strangers, other kindness was planned for a specific individual. Some kindness gifts were simple wipes for anyone with (or avoiding) a cold. Others gifts were items left for moms in strategic places, busy bags for bored children waiting in stores, or surprises in unusual places. We’ve seen Knock-Knock Kindness and Black Friday Kindness…
…and there has been Kindness shared in little libraries, at the mall, at post offices, at day care centers, in restrooms, at races, at fire stations and in schools.
Receiving Kindness
Sometimes gifts were left to surprise those who found them. Sometimes the Agents met the Kindness recipients.
In some instances, the Agents saw immediate gratitude, but others didn’t find out the impact they had made until a bit later.
Inspired to do MORE!
My favorite stories are ones where Kindness Agents felt inspired to do even more or inspired others by sharing what they did. For example, one Agent put Spin Kindness tags on reusable grocery bags for shoppers who forgot theirs (What a thoughtful thing to have handy for others!). Another Agents posted a photo of samples she planned to share with seasonal bell ringers. Here photo and note inspired others to do the same.
Stories are just starting to come in! Check out the links below or search #spinkindness to see what some of our agents are doing to share kindness during cold and flu season with #BoogieWipes. And, don’t forget to enter our giveaway! We’ll have a grand prize where the winner can select others to also receive a grand prize AND we have prizes for three other winners!