Act on it! Kindness inspired by reddit

dannyYou don’t have to look far to find people wanting to connect and create meaning in other people’s lives.  Sometimes it is a big thing, sometimes a small thing.  We are connected.  We can have an impact.

We love these examples of kindness inspired by reddit.  How cool is it to give a sick child joy by sending him a letter?  How much cooler when thousands of strangers do it too?

Have you ever watched or read a news story that moved you to the point where you googled a person in the story?  Did you wish you could reach through the screen to help them, hug them, give them something they need?  Natural disasters connect us that way all the time.  The interviews of families who lost it all in a flood, tornado or fire pull on our hearts.  But, most of us never end up acting on it.

tornado2Let’s change that.

Next time, do something – anything.  Maybe you can’t find that little girl who just lost her parents in a car accident, or that couple that saw their house wash away, but you can take that inspiration and act now.  Make a donation to Red Cross, take a box of clothes to a donation center, buy a meal for a homeless person, or a bag of groceries for a family with no income.  Act now before the inspiration fades.


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